The 7 Essential Fishing Checklist For Beginners

The 7 Essential Fishing Checklist For Beginners

Fishing is an art that can initially feel overwhelming with its various techniques, types of rods, reels, and lures. However, it's important to remember that even the most experienced anglers, with countless stories to share, started their journey as beginners too!

It's an exciting time as you prepare to embark on your first fishing adventure. How amazing! In this blog, we will provide you with our Wildside fishing essentials to complete your new fishing kit. 

Let's compile a list of all the essentials to get from a hunting and fishing store and add to your fishing kit so that you can create incredible fishing stories to share.

7 Essentials To Building A Fishing Kit

We understand that you likely have numerous questions: Which fishing rod should you choose? Are a rod and reel set the best option? Which lures are recommended? What other essentials can enhance your chances of a successful catch? Rest assured; we will cover all of these topics together. The best part? You won't have to break the bank. 

Let’s start:

  1. Fishing License 

First things first, you will need a fishing license for the province you will be fishing in. We sell Alberta and Saskatwechan fishing licenses in-store only. Stop by the store to pick up your license to get your fishing adventures started. 

  1. Fishing Rod And Reel Combo

When starting your fishing journey, it can be intimidating to pick a reel or rod, instead of getting lost with the wide range of fishing rods in the market, look for a premade combo. These combos are perfect for hammering jackfish, walleye, trout, and even bass. We have many to choose from. Our top two recommendations are:

Pflueger Eagle spinning combo. It has medium power with a fast-action rod and is paired with a Pflueger President 30 spinning reel.

 Lew’s Mach 1 spinning combo. It has medium power with a moderate action rod and is paired perfectly with a Mach 300 reel.  

We also carry fishing rod and reel combos for kids if you want to introduce your little ones to the pleasures of fishing. Fishing is a great family activity perfect for making memories all year round, from open-water fishing to ice fishing. 

  1. Lures 

Once you’ve got your fishing rod and spinning reel combo, you are ready to pick your hooks. Typically you’ll pick lures based on the species of fish. 

Walleye: Warpigs - blue silver is our top seller, 13 fishing magic man, and Rapala rattlin’ rap are our top three picks for walleye fishing.  

Northern Pike: Len Thompson spoons - our top seller is the Len Thompson 5 of diamonds. Northern king spoons and Lunkerhunt boshi blades are our top three picks for Northern Pike fishing.  

Lake Trout: TC motto tubes or whizkers big game pro glow tubes, Yakima bait Flatfish T55 or T60 are our top three picks for Lake Trout fishing.  

All of these recommendations are great for casting and trolling fishing. Keep changing lures during your fishing trip and memorize what works best for the species of fish you want to catch.

  1. Fishing Line 

Selecting the right fishing line is a must if you want to offer the best presentation once on the water. The line must be suitable for the fishing technique used and the type of fish you are after. 

Given the many types of lines and brands available, however, it is not so easy to choose. We recommend using a braided line. Choosing a brand is typically preference. However, make sure you are getting good poundage for the species you're going after. Our top seller is Powerpro Braided line 20 pounds in moss green.

  1. Essential Tools 

After you’ve caught your fish and have fought it to the boat or shore, it is time to take it off the hook! These are our top tackle box essential tools that everyone should have: 

  1. Tackle Box 

To organize your tools, accessories, and lures, you will most certainly want to store them in a compartmentalized tackle box. Quite frankly, no one wants to find their hook stuck in their car seat or their precious lures scattered in the bottom of the boat. To find everything in the same place, a tackle box is the number one accessory in a good basic fishing kit. 

  1. Bug Spray And Sunscreen 

When you're near or in a body of water, the sun is shining down on you from above, but it's also shining off the surface of the water and reflecting back at you. Mosquitoes are attracted to bodies of water for breeding. Because of this, you will want to be prepared to avoid bug bites by bringing some repellant.

About Wildside Outdoors

Wildside Outdoors is your ultimate resource for all things fishing. As passionate anglers ourselves, we understand the excitement and thrill of casting a line into the water and reeling in that perfect catch. As a reputed hunting and fishing store, our mission is to provide beginner anglers with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration they need to embark on their fishing journey with confidence. Contact us now for all your fishing gear needs.
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