Pro staff

Chris Ross

Chris Ross

For those who don’t know me I am Chris Ross. I am an avid Fisherman and I have been fishing for as long as I could hold a fishing rod. My Grandpa introduced me to the sport at a young age never realizing it would turn into the obsession that it is now. When I was a young teenager I was invited on a trip up North to the Churchill River and Gordon Lake. It was this trip when I caught my first Walleye and Lake Trout. You could say that Is when I became HOOKED! 

I am a multi-species fisherman but definitely spend the majority of my time chasing Walleye(Saskatchewan Gold!). I also love fishing Lake Trout. I think I have caught around 14 different species of freshwater fish. It’s always exciting catching a new species.

Fishing is more than a hobby, it's my passion. It’s on the water where I can put all the world's distractions aside and enjoy the peace and tranquility that fishing gives me. My wife and I have raised our kids enjoying the outdoors. My two girls have become avid little FisherGirls themselves. Nothing makes this Dad more proud than getting out fished by my daughters. It sting’s a little but still a proud Dad moment!

 “Be patient and calm—for no one can catch fish in anger."

Herbert Hoover

Feel free to follow my fishing Adventures on social media:

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Kirk Forbes 

Kirk Forbes

For those who don’t know me, I am Kirk Forbes. I grew up on a farm 20 minutes South East outside of Lloydminster. From a young age I’ve always been drawn to outdoor activities.  I’m not sure exactly at what age, but as far back as I can remember I’ve always been a fisherman. Out of all the hobbies I’ve tried to have over the years, fishing has been the only one that I’ve never slowed down on. For most fishing is a passion, but for myself fishing is a lifestyle. Rain, snow and always SUNSHINE. I'm always up for a day on the open or hard waters. Mixing my obsession with fishing and my competitive nature has formed my love of tournament fishing.  I’ve been doing tournaments for about 15 years now. Placing well in some and doing awful in others but the passion never dies. Many evenings I can be found watching fishing shows or reading fishing articles always trying to learn new tips and tricks to succeed. Some days you will see me at Wildside Outdoors just pestering Sherri about some fishing gear i've read about or seen online and  getting her to track it down and bring it in for me. Sherri truly has a gift with being able to find all the crazy things I’ve gotten her to bring in for me. 

I’ve caught some big fish over the years, the one I’m most proud of is the 14lb walleye I caught during the Vanity cup Tournament at Tobin lake. And believe it or not I was still 2lbs SHORT for the biggest of the day. 

Feel free to follow my fishing Adventures on social media:

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Ryan Slager 

Ryan Slager

For those who don’t know me, I am Ryan Slager. I co-host Slager Outdoors with my brother Tyler and dad. Most people do not understand that for me, hunting is more than a passion, It’s a way of life. There is no part of hunting that doesn’t excite me. From planning the hunt, to endless hours of scouting, and of course getting to take the kill shot! You’ll rarely see me without my bow in hand. This year having the opportunity, through Wildside Outdoors, to get the new HOYT BOW. Nothing gives me more adrenaline than nocking an arrow, coming to a full draw and knowing the effort that it has taken to get there! Endless memories have been made with family and friends, these moments are why we do what we do. Starting Slager Outdoors has given us the opportunity to be able to capture these moments on camera and share them with our followers just how amazing it is to see it through. all while harvesting the best meat on the planet. You can’t beat it! 

Fun Fact. I prefer to practice with 3D targets!  

Feel free to follow my hunting Adventures on social media:

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Tyler Slager

Tyler Slager

For those who don’t know me, I am Tyler Slager. I co-host Slager Outdoors with my brother Ryan and dad. For as long as I can remember hunting has always been my biggest passion! During hunting season you’ll find me out in the woods every chance I get. During the off-season every day includes some type of hunting related tasks, Whether I’m getting reps in with my bow, planning my next hunting trip, or editing videos and other content for Slager Outdoors. The odd time I’m not doing something hunting related, You will still find me outside. I’m either fishing on the lake, camping in the backcountry, or grabbing some new gear down at Wildside Outdoors!

My favorite hunting memory would be my archery elk. After 14 years of trying, I can finally say that I’ve shot an elk with my bow! Took an 18 yard shot with my Hoyt Ventum sending the arrow through both lungs! This is truly a dream come true. 

Feel free to follow my hunting Adventures on social media:

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